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Cyber Kill Chain

“Kill chain” was originally used as a military concept related to the structure of an attack.

Many moons ago Lockheed-Martin popularize the concept of the Cyber Kill Chain® framework as threat assessment model and prevention tool:

StageCyber Kill Chain®mnemonicNotesMitigation
1ReconnaissanceReallyGather information before the actual attackPrevent attacker to gather information
2WeaponizationWhyPreparing the attack tailored for the victimHave security posture put in place in optimum level
3DeliveryDoesTransmisiton of the weaponPut in place various layer of protection
4ExploitationEveryoneTrigger the exploitAlways has the latest security update & extra layer of security, i.e. AV, NG-AV, HIDS, etc.
5InstallationInvolveInstall backdoorTripwire or some sort
6Commmand & Control (C2)CorruptionCommunicate with attackerProper network analysist to block C2, network analitics, ex: ExtraHop
7Actions objectives (AoO)AlwaysObjective achieved & extrafiltration or data destructionPray, Legal & Insurance :-B

On each stage, the blue team should put actions to:

  1. Detect
  2. Deny: prevent information disclosure,
  3. Disrupt
  4. Degrade
  5. Deceive
  6. Contain

the attacks.

Cyber Kill Chain® framework

MITRE maintains a kill chain framework expanding the Lockheed-Martin’s concept of Cyber Kill Chain®: MITRE ATT&CK® is an awesome website with free information for all.

Cyber Kill Chain

Cyber Kill Chain® | Lockheed Martin


SANS Applying Security Awareness to the Cyber Kill Chain